Morestead Farm Stables
Morestead Farm Stables is staffed by passionate and expert equestrians.
The Yard
Traditional yard with small paddocks and pens for horses to be turned out as needed.

At Morestead Farm Stables we have a 5 furlong woodchip gallop along with grass gallops up to a mile long.

Malcolm Morley
As well as our brilliant team on the yard, our horses have great professionals looking after them.
Our vet Malcom Morley BVSC MRCVS ( is currently the Senior Vice President of the British Veterinary Association and was the Joint Founder of Stable Close Equine Practice in 2003. Kelly Hazelden is our Equine Dentist, James Cooper (Sussex Equine Osteopathy) is our osteopath and Darran Smith is responsible for Equine Soft Tissue Therapy. Our farrier is Tom Smith and together we ensure the best possible welfare of all our horses.